For a couple of months now i've been developing a story for a webcomic which i would like to see online by the end of this year. Together with Arnout Capiau i wrote a first story, but i decided to start off on a different tone. It will have to be a second volume. So i started working on another story to introduce the character and his world. Not at all the prolific writer, i'm still working on a definitive plot.
To crystallize the work that was already done and clarify the options at hand i decided to make a blog where i could put in all my visual ideas for the webcomic. Not to ruin the story for the people who might be actually interested in it, i will leave out the story pages.
This way i can put some pressure on myself and please some people who wanted to see some analog work. I have scanned all the pages of my sketchbook however, so you can expect to see a lot of crap. Don't tell me i didn't warn you... :)